Saturday, August 13, 2011

E Marc Costanzo- PA Deputy Attorney General

E Marc Costanzo--- why do Pennsylvania taxpayers have to pay for someone like Costanzo? The rotten politics that allowed him to be hired must stop. I mean, seriously, with all the lawyers out there looking for jobs even from ivy league schools, Yale, Penn, etc, and we have to pay for the likes of him!! Come on!! HERE ARE THE FACTS---Costanzo grew up in NE Philly, went to high school at Father Judge and played ball there. Then attended Temple University where he graduated with a 2.7 GPA in the bottom half of his class (that's only a C+ student). He had a difficult time getting into one of the top law schools because of his poor academics and even the local Philly law schools would not accept him, so he left the state to go to the University of Baltimore law school, where he graduated with a 2.1 GPA, dead last in his class (he needed a 2.0 GPA to graduate). These are all documented facts. He then passes the PA Bar exam in 1984 (by 1 point) and after several years of unsuccessfully trying to find employment as a lawyer, his politically connected family got him into the Philadelphia DA's office in 1987.  Things didn't work out there and they told him to find another job, so he then through his family's political connections landed a job with the PA Attorney General's office as a prosecutor in 1993. He's been there ever since with no promotions, but he did try in 1995 to run for judge in Philadelphia but lost. His family paid the Phildelphia Democratic party $35,000 to get the party's endorsement for judge and then paid another $35,000 to the local ward leader for his endorsement. That's the standard typical thing in Philly to run for judge, but now the figure is more like $50,000 to the city committee and another $50,000 to the local ward leader. Despite all the money his family spent, the voters just didn't want him so he's still using taxpayers to make a living. Not only is he a dummy, but he's the worst kind of dummy because he's arrogant and a hypocrite.What do I mean? Well, I mean he's a cocky man that prosecutes people for breaking the rules, but he's a hypocrite because he and his family never played fair and always broke rules through dirty rotten politics to get where they are in life. He believes other people should live by a set of rules, but the same rules don't apply to him. You know what I mean--"look at the pot calling the kettle black" kind of thing. Lot of  more qualified people got passed over for jobs just to hire a dummy like Costanzo. Why do we even bother to tell our kids if they study hard in college then all that hard work will pay rewards, when trash like the Costanzo family get ahead through political connections and payoffs?  I have no problem with a prosecutor prosecuting someone for not playing fair and breaking the rules IF that prosecutor also himself played by the rules in getting the job, but a crook like Costanzo should not be allowed to earn a living at taxpayer expense. He should be fired and lose his pension. If we don't get him fired, he will keep sticking his hand in the taxpayers pockets till he retires. Plenty of lawyers out there with better academics and better experience, so why shouldn't we taxpayers get more bang for our buck? Why do we have to settle for the Costanzos of the world when there are smarter better people out there for the job? Anybody know anything at all, feel free to write. Write if you know where he lives, or shops for groceries, or goes to lunch, buys his gas, etc. His family is enjoying the good life at taxpayer expense, so his family is fair game also. He works in Norristown but often travels to Delaware County and Bucks and Harrisburg on legal business.  Right now he's at the Norristown courthouse in grand jury hearings trying to build up a case on the Bucks County Sheriff. Like to get some video or audio of him doing something wrong and then he would not only get fired but lose his pension. He thinks he has a job for life. Problem is all those jobs in his office are political patronage and that's why we need some hard evidence on him starting with tips on what you know about him is good. For Costanzo, rules only apply to other people so we know he's breaking the rules we just have to get some hard evidence on him. Look at the false allegations he's making right now about the fine police at the Bucks County Sheriff. It's funny, isn't it? He and his family are the biggest crooks ripping off taxpayers for years enjoying the good life at taxpayer expense, and he's calling other people crooks. By the way, despite the new "open record law" the Attorney General won't release his academic records or anything from his personnel file to taxpayers. You know what they say-- if they have nothing to hide they have nothing to worry about, so they must be hiding something. Costanzo too could personally get onto the internet and post his own academic records if what we said wasn't true, but of course he doesn't because he knows we've done our homework and everything said is 100% true. Like I said, if he's got nothing to hide he should have nothing to worry about. Think Costanzo or anybody like him shouldn't be paid by taxpayers---write your state representative or state senator and let's get this out into the open--tell them what you think about political patronage jobs in the PA Attorney General office. Costanzo only has power and authority in the courthouse. Once he walks out of the courthouse, he's on his own just like any other man-- a girl could beat him up--he has no protection once he leaves that courthouse.  He wears thick glasses, so if you happen to accidentally knock his glasses off, he'd be blind as a bat. You should know you're entitled to beat him up to protect yourself in self-defense and no police will arrest you for that, especially if you can show the box cutter or glass bottle lying on the ground is what he threatened you with. Legally you are entitled to use deadly force in self defense if he threatens you. Always have 1 witness with you, 2 would be even better. You have a right of free speech to confront him and give him your opinion of him or his trash family, and would be a great idea to record him on cellphone if he gives you any trouble and then you can get him thrown into jail. It would be good to get him arrested on criminal charges like attempted murder or even assault-- if he's convicted he'd lose his job and pension and be a dead duck in priso--even if acquitted he'd be bankrupt after paying all those legal fees.  Most police don't like him because they compete fair and square for a job opening among a pool of applicants, but he got his job through politics. Most criminal defense lawyers don't like him because he's known to play dirty tricks at trial, probably represent you for free if you needed it.  Yep, his mother and father taught him young that if he couldn't win fair and square then play dirty whether it's on the ball field or in school or at work. Like I said, Costanzo grew up on Verree in NE Philly and his family has been using dirty politics for years to enjoy the good life, so you're doing fellow taxpayers a good thing by helping to clean out the trash like the Costanzo family. Remember, his family has been enjoying the good life for years all at the abuse of taxpayers, so they are fair game also--you know the type, they are users and takers not givers. Any info on Joanne, Italo, Eugene or Diane Costanzo would be appreciated. Got any info, comments or anything, feel free to write.


  1. I knew him when he went to law school in Baltimore. He was a real cut-throat kind of guy. a real user. he would ask other students for their notes from lectures even though he attended the class, but when someone missed a class and asked him he would always find an excuse not to help. he's a real low-life. he did in fact graduate at the bottom of his class if it's 2 things he's not, he's not smart and not ethical. Like I said, he's not intelligent so I'm not surprised that he's still stuck in some low-paying job after almost 30 years since graduating.

  2. you are dead-on about Costanzo. I worked with him at the Philly DA. He was asked to leave... that's the real story. they let him claim to have major felony trial experience because of his family's political connections. they gave him some time to find another job though. He just wasn't cutting the mustard plus he was playing dirty tricks on defense lawyers.... he's a real dirty player. he ran for judge in Philly in 1995 but didn't make it through the primary... voters saw through him and saw he wasn't a real successful lawyer like he claimed to be.

  3. I worked at the AG but moved on. Costanzo is a dummy that would step on and screw anybody to get ahead. He's a legend in his own mind. When he thought Bruce Castor was going to be AG, he tried to buddy-up to Castor and had lunch with him. Costanzo is a user. He has a bad reputation among attorneys but doesn't care about anybody but himself, not even his co-workers. Patrick Blessington couldn't stand him and left for the Philly DA. Costanzo is a seriously ill person... I mean mentally ill. He hates people.. all people... and one of these days he's going to snap and either hurt himself or hurt someone else. I think it's all been simmering inside him for years... maybe back to college being an academic failure etc... but certainly back to 1995 when he lost the primary for judge because he thought his family's money and connections just entitled him to be a judge. I hate to say this but... I won't cry if someone takes him out of his own misery. Costanzo is the worst that politics has to offer. Linda Kelly is too detached in Harrisburg to know that he's a real problem child. She will do what's best for her, not for the PA taxpayers.

  4. I laughed when I read the blog. somebody's got costanzo's number. I'm as old as Costanzo but started at the Philly DA before him. I know who he is and what he is. Back in the day Bar exam results were published in the paper and I know for a fact he did pass the Bar exam by only 1 point. He had some success in trial, but that's only because he had good investigative staff to build the case for him as opposed to his own native skills relative to intellect or persuasion. If he was practicing law on his own without having taxpayers pay for his support staff, he would never survive as a lawyer. That simple. He was always arrogant and hateful. It's disapointing to hear he never got professional help because he really has a mental health problem. One of these days I'm afraid he will just snap and kill either his family or office colleagues or himself. If you're Linda Kelly reading this, get the guy some help. At the very least ask him to submit to a mental health evaluation.

  5. I agree with "an ethical prosecutor." Costanzo is a dumb lawyer and only had some limited success at the AG because they have good special agents on staff doing the investigations and building the cases for him. The lawyers though at the AG are all political patronage hires and that's why Linda Kelly won't fire him because she just like her predecessor Tom Corbett are political hacks and they only care about their own kind and not the public. Costanzo is not really respected as a lawyer by other lawyers in/around Philly. He's seen more like a cop rather than a skilled lawyer. Costanzo does not belong to any local bar associations and does not associate with any lawyers in the community.

  6. Good for you! I hope you do get the trash like Costanzo out. Costanzo is not a real lawyer. He may think he is, but he's not. He's not respected as a lawyer and he doesn't belong to any local bar association in Philly or the suburbs because they don't want him as a member. He doesn't socialize with any lawyers personally or professionally, and they don't bother with him. If Costanzo had to make a living in private practice as a lawyer, he would never make it. I liken him to a junkyard guard dog......small brain, mean and aggressive. Costanzo gives all lawyers a bad name and he should never have been allowed to become a licensed lawyer.

  7. I know Costanzo and that AG office. That office has always been a dumping ground for political hacks that could not or did not make it in the real world. It is really a shame it's been that way for too long. Linda Kelly probably won't change things unless she gets a strong challenger come election time. The only exception to a long line of dummies in that AG office was Jerry Pappert-- he had high academic achievement and a record of career accomplishment. Costanzo is no Jerry Pappert. No large civil law firm in Philly is going to be calling Costanzo with a job offer as they did to Pappert..... Costanzo will be stuck where he is until taxpayers kick him out or kick Linda Kelly out of office. The AG office has a a press office that always publicizes when it convicts somebody, but never publicizes when they lose at trial and the defendant is acquitted. Not very honest with the public, wouldn't you say? Nobody likes Costanzo and nobody respects him, so I hope you accomplish your goals. He's a pathetic excuse for a lawyer both intellectually and ethically, and it's a shame that they actually gave someone like that a license to practice law.

  8. It's often said, ( mainly by prosecutors) that they would rather see 50 guilty men go free than to convict one innocent man. How I wish that were true! Unfortunately that's just one of the little-white-lies prosecutors like E. Mark Costanzo of the Philadelphia Attorney Generals Office, likes to tell, and usually when there's a journalist nearby.
    It's appalling to see the way prosecutors rely heavy on the media to pre-convict someone prior to a trial. This is a sleazy and desperate tactic often used to discredit and destroy the reputation of a defendant in the eyes of the jurors, especially when they need to compensate for a disturbing lack of evidence against a defendant. E. Mark Costanzo certainly has no problem stooping to such lows whenever he's desperate for another conviction. ( guilty or not guilty, not his problem, its all just about winning another conviction with him, and getting mentioned in the papers.)This is clearly a man with no moral compass, and will utilize his wealthy and influential daddy's "old boy network" to manipulate the system so that he can maintain his career of dismal accomplishments. This clown is in desperate need of his walking papers, and judging by his record, he most likely wouldn't get hired to walk a dog, never mind hired by a private law firm.
    As for me? Well, I'm just one of the many who he screwed over by manipulating the system, and I vow to be a thorn in his side for the remainder of his career!

  9. I ran for Magisterial District Judge 32-2-41 in 2005. And during my campaign. I would come home from work and there was a car sitting across from my house. I called our local police dept. And then I didn't hear anything from them. And then the car was back again so I reported it again. And asked for a police report. When I went to get the police report I was told to talk to the chief after numerous calls to the chief. With no return calls I called the DA office. Then ironically the chief stops by my house and tells me to drop it. I wanted to know who was stalking me during my right to run for a public office. I made the comment if someone was watching there house and following them they would of found out who it was. I was told by Mark Costanzo that they had enough on my constituent and weren't going to proceed with it. To this day it is a well kept secret of the name of the individual to me. But Mark Costanzo knows who it is. And also why he was stalking me. I was the first person at the hearing to shake Marks hand and congratulate him for bringing Justice to Borough of Folcroft.

    1. I don't know what happened to my blog from last night. Hopefully I'll be able to retrieve it later today.

  10. After reviewing the above bloggers and their comments about Costanzo's behind the scenes tactics and alleged unethical behavior during his years in the AG's Office, I wonder if his name along with Pat Blessinger are really linked to the Porngate investigation. If so...should it surprise taxpayers? This is a Sequel to "Watergate" and once you get down to the real NITTY GRITTY; we will see see Whose Afraid of Virginia Wolf!
